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How to Avoid a Levy When the IRS Final Notice Letter 11 Shows Up

Receiving an IRS Final Notice Letter 11 can be a daunting experience, as it indicates the IRS's intent to levy your property to satisfy unpaid tax debts. However, there are steps you can take to avoid this outcome.

First, it's crucial to act quickly. The letter serves as a 30-day warning, so time is of the essence. Begin by thoroughly reading the notice to understand the specifics of your situation, including the amount owed and any discrepancies.

Next, reach out to a tax professional, such as an Enrolled Agent. Many of these experts specialize in tax resolution and can communicate with the IRS on your behalf, potentially negotiating a more favorable outcome. They understand the complexities of tax law and can help you navigate the process effectively.

Additionally, ensure all your tax returns are filed, as unfiled returns can complicate negotiations. Gather all relevant documentation to support your case, such as proof of income and expenses.

By taking prompt and informed action, you can avoid a levy and work towards resolving your tax issues with the IRS.

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